Brownsville Creators
6-week Youth Program: Placemaking and Public Space Event Design
Led the Site Activation Thursdays as part of a 4-day-a-week, 6-week program called Brownsville Creators. Brownsville Creators was led by The Artwell Creative, and was one part of the larger program for youth that took place all day Tuesday - Friday. Participants were ages 17-21.
In our Thursday Site Activation section, we dove into the meanings of placemaking and placekeeping, discussed how to engage your community, engender mutual trust, safety, and positivity, and create inclusive spaces and events. The youth also learned how to assemble, operate, and configure the Turnout NYC kit (see Turnout NYC 2022 project pages), and design and plan for their final event. Their final event incorporated individual performances and deejayed music by the youth, and a completion / awards ceremony run by Brownsville Community Justice Center.
Click on the images in the gallery for more details.
The Artwell Creative
End Client
Brownsville Community
Justice Center
Project Gallery